The Frankfort News from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)

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THE RANKORT NEWS (MN KINO IN INDIAN DEINING CO IBIS Stamping Ground Man 4 MANUACTURERS HIGH GRADE PETROLEUM of acres PATRONIZE INDUSTRY AND HIDES iW Grimes his alleged assail or Trade Most Severe Cold SECRETARY STATE KNOX SOON Wil 01 IT CABINET Era i How Kentucky Cao Begin Her Progress Lively Stories Picked up at Wash Of 13 tf the id member of President bunch of hot air artists Including for tho luncheon Mr Cox Introduced Light Strong Perfect Working NEVER WITHOUT IT Selling Agents rankfort Printing Company Incorporated Printers Binders Blank Book Makers andLoose Leaf Ledger Sheets to Order Advertise your Winter stock and into Washington mates of the we is of to of as five was 3 GROWN ON THE ARM could not swim and they had to drag him out to save him from drown ing in in McERRAN SAYS REORM TAX LAWS AND GOOD ROADS ARE NEEDED To take care of thia indebtedness he suggested a ten cents on the hundred de valuation SURELY CURES A COLD ENDS GRIPPE MISERY A EW HOURS Narrow Back 1 1 4 Inch Holds 200 Sheets Minimum and 400 Maximum Overshiner lack and airleigh the banquet committee Toastmaster Claude Clark rapped for order and with characteristic wit and eloquence Introduced a goodly od immediately after the luncheon After making a brief address thank ing ithe Jjoutsville Commercial Club for the welcome extended the mem bers of the executive committee and STATIONS RANKORT KY TENN 323 All other Important ctcles' It is expected in the State Depart ment that Mr Willing Spencer will be of great aid to Mr Huntington Wilson assistant secretary of State during the negotiations to come this winter for various foreign loans which American bankers have an Mr Mccrran To bond Jefferson county and every county In the State for a certain sum of money to purchase grounds eoct school buildings and secure the equip ment was a recommendation by Mr Mcerran which he urged those pres ent to consider Imnded tax of lars of OBERWARTH Architect RANKORT KENTUCKY STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The Annual Meeting of the stock holders of The Deposit Hank rank fort will be held at the banking house Monday Jan 2nd 1211 at 10 a for the election of directors and other legal business that may come before them DAVID NICOL Cashier 14 to Jan 1 Dies of White Plague Johnson son of William Small farm of 75 acres 5 miles from rankfort To trade for city property BOWEN HENRY Wide Back 2 1 8 Inch Holds 400 Sheets Minimum and 800 Maximum Green Champlin Jouett Henry Jarrett Vince Williamson and Mayor Meacham who painted glow and goodfellowship Mr llobcrts made a happy response expressing his appre ciation of the evening The conclud ing feature was a series of wonder ful experiments In legerdemain by that pastmaster of necromancy Jno Strode Hopkinsville New REINERIES GEORGETOWN KY ST LOUIS ILL LAWRENCEVILLE ILL Blue Grass Lamp OIL Brightest Light Ns Blrt Indian Lubricating Oils Outwear Ail Others Royal Gasoline the Best WORTH MORE THAN ANY OTHER PRODUCT Dickinson Bath but the diplomatic corps was1 present Mrs Taft reflected the deep sen timents entertained for the counsel 1 lor by the President accompanied by her daughter Mjifes Helen walked) from the White House to the church! in a rainstorm to attend It is said that the duty of conduct ing the Canadian tariff negotiations when the Dominion officials come here in January will be taken up byi Secretary Knox in person Rumor has it that as soon as these negotia tions are ended Secretary Knox will retire Dec 16 inal estl important farm crops of the country for 1910 announced day by the orop reportlng Board the Department of Agriculture are follows: Corn 3125713000 bushels weight from 19778000 acres totalfarm value 31623968000 or 488 centsj 'per bushel With thA ratjirn nf Rprrptnrv nf I ov War Dickinson and General Clarence I Edwards chief of the Bureau of In sular Affairs from their Philippine inspection trip the true story of why they took a bath 1 in their clothing while bound across the Pacific has come to light' Rigged up on the deck of the vessel was a canvas tank twen ty feet square and eight feet deep It was filled with salt water and in it the passengers suitable bathing Assistant Secretary of State Adee tersst i Mr Spencer has been second secre tary of the embassy at London and at St Petersburg where he displayed considerable ability in negotiations for the Chinese loan of $50000000 The United States government is now doing its best to obtain for Amer lean bankers a chance to negotiate the Turkish loan the amount of which has not Been settled Mr Huntington Wilson Assistant) Secretary of State has Just returned to this country after a special mis sion to Turkey ostensibly to congra tulate the new ruler upon his acces sion to the throne It is well under stood in State Department circles however that Mr principal I mission to Turkey was to present the views or tne America governmeui as to the distribution of the loan Simultaneously with the announce ment of Mr mission to Turkey came the order for Mr Will ing Spencer to report for duty at the State Department It is believed in Washington and New York that Mr Spencer notwithstanding his com parative youth will be of much ser vice to the State Department in finan clal matters in which foreign govern ments are interested Mrs Newton Thomas Columbia Cross Roads Pa says: living in Kentucky I used Bourbon Poultry Cure and was never without It I ant anxious for my friends here to try it Please send samples to the enclosed list of names and send me wet a bottle INCORPORATED INDEPENDENI ROM THE GROUND UP Between 11 and 12 o'clock Wednes day night Mr Bowman whoso hom*o is' in Stamping Ground and who was on his way to the txoma of his brother in the northern end of Itown reached) the railroad crossing on North Broad way when be was accosted by the I negroes whom he recognized coming from life home town lie remembered having seen them in the early part of the day when he had taken a roll of money from his pocket as ho paid a bill Mr Bowman was knocked down and relieved of the money and after a short time was able to walk ito his cents pen 'home a little distance BOWMAN TWO NEGROES ARRESTED AS SUSPECTS Cold Compound is the re sult of three research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars and contains no quinine which have conclusively demonstrated not effective in the treatment colds or grippe It is a positive fact that a dose Cold Compound taken every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken will end the Grippe and break up the most severe cold either in the head'chest back stom ach limbs or any part of the body It promptly relieves the most miser ble neuralgia pains' headache dull ness head and nose stuffed up feverishness sneezing sore throaty running of the nose mucous catarrhal discharges soreness stiffness and rheumatic twinges Take this harmless Compound as directed with the knowledge thatl tlfere is no other medicine made any where else In the world which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after effects as a 25 cent package of Cold Com pound which any druggist in world can supply it vou have a house to rent vertlse the fact In The News and you win not want for tenant The want add always bring quick Triple Expansion Loose Leaf Binder The annual mooting of the stock holders of the Capital Gas Eloclrlc Co will be held at the oompany'n office 102 BL Clair etreet January 1 9 1911 at 11 a for the election i of directors and other legal business 'that may come before the meeting ITCH President Louisville Ky Dec must reform her tax laws build good roads and work a vast Improvement I In her schools before she can begin to progress ana tne Kem uany reuuu tlon of Commercial Clubs must take a leading hand In making these re was the declaration of 1 Mccrran before the executive com committee of the ederation of Com mercial Clubs at the Ixtulsvllle Hotel I Mr address followed an otJeaborate luncheon given the members Ky Dec Nash At kins town marshal of Stamping Ground at an early hour Thursday morning arrested wo negroes who were secreted in the freight cars ad brought th era to Georgetown where they were lodged in the Scott county Jail They proved to be the culprits I who last evening knocked down El Winter wheat 464044000 bushels and robbed him of $10 of weight from 29427000 acres total farm value $413575000 or 891 cents per bushel Spring wheat 231399000 bushels of weighet from 19778000 acres: total farm value $207868000 or 898 cents per bushel Air wheat 695443000 bushels of weight from 49205000 acres total farm value $621443000 or 894 cents per bushel Oats 1126765000 bushels of weight from 35288000 acres total farm value $384716000 or 341 cents per bushel Tobacco 984349000 pounds from 1233800 acres total farm value $91459000 or 93 pound away Rice 24510000 bushels of weight I This morning he Immediately recog equivalent to 5930000 bags of 186 nized the negroes as Wallace Jackson pounds from 722800 acres total farm and Jim value $16624000 or 678 cents per ants bushel I The official visit to the Hopkins ville Elks Lodge last night by Dis trict Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Grant Roberts of rankfort was a source of pleasure and benefit to the large number of Elks who were pre sent Mr Roberts Is on a trip of in spection to every Elks lodge in Wes tern Kentucky He said last night that he was gratified to find the or der In a flourishing condition every where The membership Is Increas ing by leaps and bounds and the keenest interest Is being taken in benevolent work as well as in the fraternal features vvnen tne ioage meeung was imwu ed a banquet in honor of Mr Roberts jof tle executive committee was spread in the dining hall of the Oeom II Cox president of the club and a delicious collation was I Kentucky ederation of Commrclal served 1 Clubs presided at the luncheon and After ample Justice had been done also at the business meeting of the to the goods things provided by AOxecutlve committee which was call i OR RAW URS ANO HIDES fl HUB QKJR Wool on Commlnlon Writ for prlM HI Ha Hit mentioning this ad Established 1887 XST JOHN WHITE CO LOUISVILLE KY Secretary of War Dickinsons com mands great respect in army circles Generally a secretary is not respect ed for' his martial accomplishments! This 'was true of Dickin son until a number of officers took him out to the rifle ranges to explain their work in teaching the army how to shoot The officers' took up rifles and "in five or six attempts managed to make at a thousand) yards Secretary Dickinson looked on and when the show was over said: me have one of those Accommodated he made five quick shots hitting the eye three) times The officers collapsed and are now mum when rifle practice especially sharpshooting is under dis cussion and Secretary Dickinson Is! nresent Back in his Tennessee mountains the Secretary of War has for years enjoyed the reputation of being a crack shot District Deputy Roberts Banqueted at Hopkinsville HIGHMAYMEN Johnson died Thursday at his home' in Stamping Ground after a long ill 1 Ing word pictures of Ellcdom ness rrom tuberculosis was 2 Is Easily Broken years old and a well known farmer Ho was a nephew of Charles John who besides his wife died of' typhoid fever recently leaving AN children behind each of whom suffering with tlie same dleease is always ready with a story to illus trate his conversation Resently he i was asked a diplomatic question and the caller insisted upon making a statement which was not correct saiu secretary Adee the scientists who referred their dispute as to the proper de scription of the crab to a famed nat The naturalist listened to the description and when it was con cluded exclaimed: Marvelous! But! the crab is not a fish it Is not red and it does not swim backward All of which were points made in the scientific description 1 that interrupted Sec retary Dickinson I also will gq in 4 The bet was on and an instant la ter both the Secretary of War General Edwards had plunged the tank HI Via tp Allf collected their wager and then threw As or sale by rankfort Drug Co the unsuccessful bettor into the tank again ithey had go go into the i Subscribe for the News fcuiK because the one National News Service 1 Washington Dec The' early re tirement from President cab inet of Secretary of State Knox is the prediction of State Department wise acres They base their guess on the sudden and untimely death of Henry SI Hojtt counsellor of the department1 Counsellor Hoyt was little brown of Secie tary Knox and while his name did riot often appear in the newspapers lit was' he who performed ipuch of the arduous duties that confront aj Secretary of State In a sense Counsellor Hoyt wasa protege of Secretary Knox who made him an assistant Attorney Gen rai when a cabinet as Attorney Gen eral Later Secretary Knox had Mr Hovt named as Solicitor General of the United States an office calling remind fop rare ability I When President Taft was organiz ing his cabinet Secretary Knox ac cepted the: portiona on cumuuuu that he be given an opportunity tofind a place for Mr Hoyt' This sug gestion was readily accepted by Pres ident Taft who was a college mate of Mr 'Hoyt and admired his ability as a lawyer The officer of Counsel lor for the State Department was i created by Congress a salary of $7 500 per annum being allotted which a is far in excess of the salaries paid the three assistant secretaries in the Department of State '1 It is said by those intimately ac 'with the late" counsellor that devotion to duty was his undoing if He worked early and late The gl task that confronted the Sec iri' retary of State 1 in arranging' maxl 4: mum and minimum tariff conventions with' various countries of the world attire swere taking plunges Secre? immediately after the enactment of tary Dickinson and General Edwards the Payne Aldrich tariff law fell upon I were looking on A passenger turned Counsellor Hoyt At the time of his to General Edwards and said death he was in charge of the nego bet you $25 you go' in tiations that had Just been started with your clothing with the Canadian government look 1 ing to a reciprocity agreement Secretary Knox as well as Presl dent Taft was deeply grieved at Mr death On the day of the funeral which was held at Wilkes i barre Pa the Hoyt home memo rial services were held at St Church here: The State Department as a "mark of respect closed for two hours during the services Not only did ('officials of Washington attend Revolution i t'S xvKlIrh wave the TO 1 A a world Uneeda Biscuit also resuitea in a A Revelation in soda cracker quality You realize this the moment you open the royal purple package and find soda crackers so tempt ing and good that they cannot I be resisted a Package (Never sold in bulk) need a Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ISSi ivZ A i Kkfl 1.

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The Frankfort News from Frankfort, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.