Mugshots : Madison County : 7/03/24 – 7/08/24 - WBBJ TV (2024)

WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News Staff,

  • Johnny Osborne: Violation of probation

  • Alexandria Holmes: Violation of probation, circumvent/destroy/disable ignition interlock device

  • Angela Blanton: Public intoxication

  • Arthur Johnson: Failure to appear

  • Bobby Graves: Violation of probation, violation of community corrections, driving on revoked/suspended license

    Bobby Graves: Violation of probation, violation of community corrections, driving on revoked/suspended license

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Brandon Forbes: Burglary of motor vehicle, theft between $1,000 and $9,999

  • Brashundra Fuller: Simple domestic assault

  • Brian Lenon: Failure to appear

  • Cabreshia Shane: Violation of probation

  • Camry Moore: Vandalism

  • Christopher Parker: Simple domestic assault

  • Christopher Pruitt: Violation of order of protection

  • Courtney O'Neal: Schedule I drug violations, schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule V drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, firearm used in dangerous felony

    Courtney O'Neal: Schedule I drug violations, schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule V drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, firearm used in dangerous felony

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Dany Zambrano: Shoplifting/theft of property

  • Deeana Davis: Criminal trespass

  • Dekilo Yancy: Simple domestic assault, vandalism

  • Delia Beard: Aggravated assault

  • Demetrious Carter: Disorderly conduct

  • Dontavious Nelson: Possession of a handgun while under the influence, driving under the influence, driving on revoked/suspended license, ignition interlock devices required, violation of implied consent law

    Dontavious Nelson: Possession of a handgun while under the influence, driving under the influence, driving on revoked/suspended license, ignition interlock devices required, violation of implied consent law

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Dorothy Shivers: Violation of community corrections, failure to appear

  • Douglas Kincaid: Aggravated domestic assault, violation of probation

  • Dustin Crump: Public intoxication

  • Elder Avlia: Theft under $999, violation of probation

  • Eugene Bell: Violation of probation

  • Frieiner Yepez: Schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence

    Frieiner Yepez: Schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, driving under the influence

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Gina Massengill: Criminal trespass

  • Holly Bluew: Failure to appear

  • Isaiah Blue: Violation of conditions of community supervision, violation of probation

  • Isaiah Wade: Simple domestic assault

  • Jacob Brittain: Violation of order of protection

  • Jacob Payne: Driving under the influence

  • Jacqueline Lightfoot: Unlawful exposure

  • James Crittendon: Fabricate/tamper/destroy evidence, simple possession/casual exchange, contraband in penal institution, DUI by consent/allowing, driving while unlicensed

    James Crittendon: Fabricate/tamper/destroy evidence, simple possession/casual exchange, contraband in penal institution, DUI by consent/allowing, driving while unlicensed

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Janna Farmer: Criminal trespass

  • Jasmine Chapman: Criminal trespass

  • John Carpenter: Assault, driving under the influence, resisting stop/arrest, driving on revoked/suspended license

    John Carpenter: Assault, driving under the influence, resisting stop/arrest, driving on revoked/suspended license

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Johnathan Jarrett: Schedule VI drug violations, violation of probation, unlawful drug paraphernalia

  • Joseph Nichols: Schedule I drug violations, schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule V drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, firearm used in dangerous felony

    Joseph Nichols: Schedule I drug violations, schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule V drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, unlawful drug paraphernalia, firearm used in dangerous felony

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Katia Ulloque: Simple domestic assault

  • Kennedie Currie: Driving under the influence, hit and run property damage, violation of implied consent law

    Kennedie Currie: Driving under the influence, hit and run property damage, violation of implied consent law

    Show Caption Hide Caption

  • Lora Sanders: Shoplifting/theft of property

  • Maria Gardano: Aggravated domestic assault

  • Micah Taylor: Criminal trespass

  • Michael Hunt: Failure to appear

  • Mycaile Shead: Public intoxication

  • Quinn Neidig: Aggravated burglary

  • Raina Johnson: Violation of probation

  • Ricky Bommer: Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon, driving on revoked/suspended license

  • Shundarion Middlebrooks: Criminal simulation

  • Sophie McCormick: Driving under the influence, violation of implied consent law

  • Sydney Thomas: Aggravated assault, aggravated burglary

  • Tammy Webb: Simple domestic assault

  • Taylor Paige: Public intoxication

  • Tracy Lenon: Simple domestic assault

  • Trimond Epperson: Schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, failure to appear

    Trimond Epperson: Schedule II drug violations, schedule IV drug violations, schedule VI drug violations, failure to appear

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  • Tyrin Hamilton: Evading arrest

  • Veronica Boykin: Public intoxication, violation of probation

  • Warren Armour: Theft between $1,000 and $9,999

  • William Kyles: Sex offender registry violations

  • William Warren: Circumvent/destroy/disable ignition interlock devices

  • Willie Shields: Violation of probation

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The people in this gallery were booked into the Madison County Jail between 3 a.m. on 7/03/24 and 8 a.m. on 7/08/24.

Their inclusion only indicates they were booked into the jail and does not indicate guilt.

Categories: Mugshots

Mugshots : Madison County : 7/03/24 – 7/08/24 - WBBJ TV (2024)


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Article information

Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Last Updated:

Views: 6062

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.